Hoya alexicaca Moon ex Trimen 1895

In Cat.  Pl. Ceylon 21 (1824).  Hoya alexicaca Moon.  From west Peninsula; yields a useful fiber.

Type description:

In Handbook of the Flora of Ceylon 3 (1895).  H. Trimen. 10. Cynanchum, L. Herbaceous twiner, fls. Rather small umbellate; cal.-segm. 5, narrow, acute; cor. rotate, lobes 5, very deep, oblong, valvate; corolline corona large, tubular, 5-lobed, adnate to base of column; column exserted, stam. 5, connate, fls. Short, broad, anth. With erect membranaceous tips, pollen-masses 1 in each cell, not compressed, pendulous, no staminal corona; follicles narrow, tapering; seeds comose. - sp.100; 16 in fl. Br. Ind.
            C. pauciflorum, Br. in Mem. Wern. Soc. I 45 (1811). Kankumbala, S. C. penduculatum, Thunb. Obs. in Cynanch. 6 (?). Hoya alexiaca, Moon Cat. 21 (? Willd.). Cynoctonum pauciflorum, Decne., Thw. Enum. 195. C. P. 2466. Fl. Br. Ind. iv. 23. Wight, lc. T. 354-. Stem slender, twining, with long internodes, glabrous; l. 1.5 - 3.5 in., ovate or oblong-ovate, usually cordate at base, with rounded lobes, very acute at apex, glabrous, thin, petiole long, slender (usually there is a pair of rounded l. in axils - fl. On rather long ped., cymes on short peduncles; cor. under .5 in diam., corona as long as cor., plicate; follicles divaricate in a straight lone, 2.5 - 3 in., fusiform, much tapering to blunt point, smooth and glabrous. Moist regions, up to 4000 ft.; common. Fl. Jan. - March; pale purple. Also in South India. Thumberg’s description of C. pedunculatum’ does not quite agree.

Note: Much of the work of Moon is lacking and next to useless.